It's been a long time since we have posted on here... a common blogging struggle (or so we hear).
Hopefully this will serve as a push to get us jump-started again. We just wanted to share our 2012 Christmas card that we made using Shutterfly.
Check it out, and then go make your own!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
News & Brews: On the Campaign Trail
When it comes to candidates on the campaign trail, I like to come straight at politicians - as well as politically-driven pseudo-intellectuals - with hard-hitting inquisition and interrogation, pushing the envelope on subject matter and ultimately provoking general upheaval.
I obliterate boundaries and ignore partisan BS, and I believe I could replace any damn news reporter in the field... except maybe Soledad O'Brien (she was awesome on Tuesday!) or Anderson Cooper... and maybe the "Boom goes the dynamite" guy, Brian Collins (for obvious reasons. chirp, chirp!)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
I obliterate boundaries and ignore partisan BS, and I believe I could replace any damn news reporter in the field... except maybe Soledad O'Brien (she was awesome on Tuesday!) or Anderson Cooper... and maybe the "Boom goes the dynamite" guy, Brian Collins (for obvious reasons. chirp, chirp!)
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My genius, Shepard Fairey/Obama-inspired design, 2007. I quit the team, and Coach Brady Hoke takes Ball State to its first ever undefeated season. And a #12 ranking in NCAA football. |
But I digress...
That being said, I have already decided for whom I plan to vote. This decision is based on one topic, and one topic alone. Can you guess what it is? Here is a hint: Said topic is more important than Chik-fil-a (although the two would pair together nicely....)
My vote is going to #44, Barack Obama because
He brews his own beer.
That's right - the white house has a brewery.
And apparently, the flagship White House Honey Ale uses honey from Michelle's garden beehive! How cool is that??
Not to mention, Barry is the first to do it in the White House. Like a boss.
While we are on the topic.... Check out the stellar POTUS lineup of home brewers below! I would have voted for all of these dudes, not to mention I have committed my loyalty to Jefferson and Carter as my two favorite presidents of all time. God bless America!
George Washington
- Was a brewer himself, particularly of the Porter variety starting around 1774..On July 23, 1788, a few months after the ratification of the Constitution (more props to GW for that!), New York had a parade which "exceeded all previous demonstrations in the country." The motto of the brewers who marched for the festivities around this time was "Ale, proper drink for Americans." Those are words to live by!
Thomas Jefferson
- Known as America's first microbrewer, TJ took it to a whole new level, building a brewery (of sorts) and taking to the science of craft table liquor with reckless abandon and passion after his retirement. He is also my favorite President, hands down.
- "Father of the constitution” considered proposing a national government-run brewery. He also wanted to establish a secretary of beer for the cabinet. Again, like a boss. This dude had his priorities straight! Also encouraged “the manufacture of beer in every State in the Union." #winning
- Signed into law the Cullen-Harrison Act and the Beer and Wine Revenue Act. Not long after, Congress repealed Prohibition entirely. He saved beer.
Jimmy Carter
- Passed legislation in 1979 allowing home brewers to fully pursue their hobby without having to post a penal bond. One more reason why he is one of my favorite presidents!
- White House Honey Ale. Your kids will read about it in their history books... maybe.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Hoppy IPA day! (A top 5 list)
Any real beer connoisseur knows what today is.... its a massive holiday for beer drinkers. Particularly the hop lovers, such as myself.
Two of Michigan's best breweries, duking it out for IPA bragging rights in the mitten state. While Bell's has the establishment and distribution advantage, Short's Brew makes a charge to the front of the pack as a surprise sleeper to the refined palates of IPA lovers.
A gloriously hopped Imperial IPA from the boys themselves... very difficult to not give them the top rating... I mean, they have been voted at the top of their class multiple times.
With a fruity, citrusy, aroma...y hop vibe, this baby is taaaaaaasty.
But then again, do these dudes brew anything that isn't fantastic? I have yet to taste one that would lead me to believe otherwise.
1. Russian River - Pliny the Elder
Now go forth and celebrate such a glorious occasion - #IPADay has arrived and shall be celebrated in glorious fashion!
Granted, I kind of wish every day was IPA Day...
Except the above statement isn't really true. IPA day was founded merely a year ago. One might even argue this is essentially a ploy to obtain #trendingtwittertopic status.
(for the record, #Ihatehashtags - I think they are #dumb and #overkill and often #usetoomanywordsandarealmostimpossibletoread).
That said, I will encourage you to crack open a tasty, hopped up beverage of your choosing, hop on twitter, and mention what you are drinking followed by an #IPADay hashtag. While you are at it, send some love to @bakerandbrewer, too! I will be standing by, mouth watering, dreaming of some tasty Saaz'ed up libations.
With that in mind, here are my Top 5 IPAs that i recommend crushing on a day like today!
Two of Michigan's best breweries, duking it out for IPA bragging rights in the mitten state. While Bell's has the establishment and distribution advantage, Short's Brew makes a charge to the front of the pack as a surprise sleeper to the refined palates of IPA lovers.
Bell's gives this classic IPA a Centennial hop-mix that comes off with a real earthy, down-home hop flavor - compared to the citrusy variety of hops that Short's tosses into my newest beer-crush (*blushes), Huma Lupa Licious.
4. Ska Brewing - Modus Hoperandi
Surprisingly similar hop variety compared to Bell's Two-Hearted, its the can that does it for me. The color green is one of my favorites, and it also lets you know that this bad boy is loaded with green, fresh hop flavor. Not to mention, cans keep UV light out of the equation for a fresher brew!
3. Stone - Ruination IPA
"A liquid poem to the glory of the hop!"
Here is poetry to my ears: My father-in-law doesn't like IPAs, so I "had" to finish a few of these for him. Instantly carved a spot into my heart! Name comes from "ruining" one's palate from the intense hop flavor. The only thing it ruined is my ability to stomach Miller Light's "triple-hops brewed" piss-water. Who are they kidding - they don't put hops in that stuff....
"A liquid poem to the glory of the hop!"
Here is poetry to my ears: My father-in-law doesn't like IPAs, so I "had" to finish a few of these for him. Instantly carved a spot into my heart! Name comes from "ruining" one's palate from the intense hop flavor. The only thing it ruined is my ability to stomach Miller Light's "triple-hops brewed" piss-water. Who are they kidding - they don't put hops in that stuff....
A gloriously hopped Imperial IPA from the boys themselves... very difficult to not give them the top rating... I mean, they have been voted at the top of their class multiple times.
With a fruity, citrusy, aroma...y hop vibe, this baby is taaaaaaasty.
But then again, do these dudes brew anything that isn't fantastic? I have yet to taste one that would lead me to believe otherwise.
1. Russian River - Pliny the Elder
Utilizing a quadricorn of hops, this majestic, mythical creature of a brew is a Double IPA that will blow your mind back to 23 AD - to meet the man after which this brew gets its namesake. I have had the privilege of consuming this brew but only once, but it was not to be forgotten. The beer community has my back on this rating. Top notch, without a doubt.
Now, before you hunt these down and kick back for a tasty tongue-tingler, also take note of the honorable mention brew(s)
Now, before you hunt these down and kick back for a tasty tongue-tingler, also take note of the honorable mention brew(s)
Honorable Mention: Oskar Blues - Deviant Dale's
Haven't had this guy yet - but Dale's Pale Ale has a cult-like following, and i love it like it is my own child. Not to mention, it is rumored to be coming to Chicago soon. *giggles with excitement like a school girl*
So the assumption here is that this bad boy is numyummy!
Haven't had this guy yet - but Dale's Pale Ale has a cult-like following, and i love it like it is my own child. Not to mention, it is rumored to be coming to Chicago soon. *giggles with excitement like a school girl*
So the assumption here is that this bad boy is numyummy!
Now go forth and celebrate such a glorious occasion - #IPADay has arrived and shall be celebrated in glorious fashion!
Granted, I kind of wish every day was IPA Day...
You cannot take away my dreams!
But Groupon can, apparently...
The air was sticky. To use the word humid wouldn't do it justice. It was sweltering and muggy and the only thing that kept me moving was good company and the promise of scratching one off of my bucket list. It was imminent. It was already written. I was destined to become a Guinness world record holder. We were on a mission from God!
The sun was setting slowly behind us as we walked east down Addison. The pace didn't matter as we covered the 1200 and 1100 blocks... sweating was inevitable. Our destination? Elwood's home address. 1060 W. Addison
It was Friday, July 6 (I know, I am a bit tardy writing this) and 31 years ago to the day, Jake and Elwood Blues graced the big screen with their presence via the talents of John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd, respectively. I'll save you the Blues Brothers history, but it is a great flick with great music, and if you really appreciate Chicago, you will most definitely appreciate this film.
So where am I going with this? Let me take you down memory lane....
Our good buddies over at Groupon decided to pay homage to the Blues Brothers film and set up a walk-in style theater at Wrigley Field for an anniversary showing. The bleachers and the outfield were the seating areas, and the concession stand in center field was open for some cold brews and traditional baseball eats.
Before entering, they had some cute props set up outside that they used in the film, and even some sleazy dudes dressed up like the brothers themselves trying to make a buck (although I dont believe Groupon was affiliated with them, but who knows... have you checked their ticker since last year?).
As the ticket lady let us in, we were all handed a pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarers just like the ones they wear in the film (or so we wished).
We were about to set a world record for the largest crowd wearing sunglasses in the dark.
We were about to set a world record for the largest crowd wearing sunglasses in the dark.
Now here is where it all starts to get a little fuzzy.....
Somewhere between the gate and the bleachers, we parted ways so we could use the restroom. After we rendezvoused below the outfield bleachers and traversed the ramp to the designated seating areas, we received no instructions from any ushers regarding anything. As far as we assumed, we could sit wherever we wanted and wait for the movie. I was thinking the world record would be set as an intermission activity.
Matt and I left our beautiful ladies to hold down our seats while we grabbed some cold brews and waters to rehydrate and nourish our liquid-starved bodies from all of the excessive perspiration that our pores so eagerly distributed from within (isn't that a beautiful picture?).
this image is not cropped - numbers 128 and 131 were getting icy-cold beverages during this traitorous photo-op. |
During this time of absence, I was betrayed by the very woman with whom I share a home, a bed, a bathroom, and a son (a fur baby, of course..our kitty, Bowser... aka "B-man"). Apparently, unbeknownst to the thirsty men who were tending to the needs of their spouses, a random, mysterious voice came across the speakers in the stadium to share with us the four absolutely critical instructions everyone needed to know to be a world record holder. They were as follows:
(Spoken in a barely-audible, muffled voice.... which was actually inaudible to me and my comrade, Matt)
1. The timer will be starting any second. Wait, it is starting now. It just started. You are too late.2. You must have been given a number from a Groupon rep to designate that you are a participant.*My thoughts on this: WHAT?? I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE GROUPON REPS HELPING ANYONE! Perhaps I should have been looking for their inconspicuous, normal attire that had no bright colors or labels to indicate they were helpers. then maybe I would have known better!3. You must have your sunglasses on during the entire 10-minute countdown (hell, it could have been 20 minutes or 2 minutes, i never really found out the truth)4. Your shades will be confiscated, along with your designated number card if you do not continuously wear the sunglasses the whole time, and you will not be considered a record holder. And shame will be bestowed upon you and your family, and all generations thereafter. And you will be publicly humiliated. And tarred and feathered. And banished from society. You will be damned.
Keep in mind, we (Matt and I) still had no real clue what was going on. But as we returned to base camp with drinks in hand (and wallets empty - prices at the ballpark don't change just because its a movie), Abby and Em turn to us with their shades plastered to their domes and ask us
"Did you get your number? Why aren't you wearing your sunglasses? It started!!! Go get your number! You need a number!!"
We were dumbfounded. Before we knew what hit us, we were asking some "Poo-pon" staffers if we could get our numbers so we could have a seat and enjoy our beers while we crossed into the realm of glory and soar wear only eagles soar. The land of world record holders - after all, it was my destiny.
Much to our chagrin, we were notified that the record-setting was in progress and we were left behind. Abandoned. Standing there with my jaw on the beer-stained concrete of the Wrigley field bleachers, I felt like I was 9 years old again, watching the school bus pull away from the corner as i arrived at the stop just seconds too late. Ashamed, embarrassed and devastated.
My bucket list remains intact, including the item "Set a world record or be part of a world record". My dreams were stripped away from me, and who is there, holding them in my face? That's right. The Mrs.
At least Matt and I fell together. We were left behind, and we never really saw it coming.
As for Em.... well her story can be inferred from the following conversation she had during the shades-wearing countdown.
Em: "I can't see what's on my phone."
Abby: "Don't take your sunglasses off."
Em: *Removes Sunglasses
Abby: "Em, put them back on!"
Em: "I can't see my phone!"
Groupon lady (or Guinness lady?): *leans over railing from behind us "Ma'am, I am going to need your number card back, you are not wearing sunglasses."
Em: *looks confused "Do I have a lighter? You want a lighter?"
Lady: "I need your card back"
Em: *still confused "You need a lighter? You want our lighter?"
Lady & Abby: "Your card. Give it back. You took your sunglasses off."
Em: *Hands over card and still looks confused "What just happened?"
Abby: "HAHAHAHA" *Nonstop laughter and blatant disregard for the feelings of both her friends & husband... continues for extended period of time
And the rest, as they say, "is history."
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Meals after vacation. Oh, dear.
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This baby is oozing with flavor. |
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Miss Mary was our artist de jour each and every day. |
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Eventually, we stole a garbage can and watering hose from a nearby resort. Gotta be resourceful! |
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Top: Aaron using his weight to pack the sand. If it's packed enough, it won't crack under pressure. Bottom: The team adds water and sand to make a pile the size of a small couch. |
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Mary and her shark, ocean side view. |
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Nom! Nom! Nom! |
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Our crew! L-R, F-B: Andrew, Aaron, John, Dad Megan, Mary, Abby, Mom |
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There was lots of this during the day (in cup: Limetime. A genius concoction of Corona, limeaid, and vodka) |
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And lots of this at night! Top: Chicago Style hot dog (minus the poppyseed bun - N/A in South Carolina!) Bottom: A taste of home, Goose Island 312 wrapped with some Wrigley gum |
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Leftover all beef hot dog with BBQ pulled pork, homemade mac&cheese, and mustard. Hangs head in shame. |
Enter: the Summer Shrimp and Watermelon Salad. Drool.
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Pumpkin seeds, sauteed on the skilled with EVOO, sea salt, and pepper. |
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Shrimp on the skillet, seasoned with EVOO, sea salt, and pepper. |
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Watercress. |
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Add in feta with herbs. |
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Add pumpkin seeds. |
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Remove tails of shrimp and cut them into pieces. |
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Whole wheat penne pasta. |
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Add diced watermelon and juice of one lime. |
If you didn't get that reference, you obviously need some lolz in your life. Watch that video. Now.
No peer pressure, but this is like, the coolest, and most delicious salad eva.
Until next time...
Summer Shrimp and Watermelon Salad
Recipe adapted from Grayson Schmitz's Watermelon Salad.
- 2-3 cups cubed watermelon
- 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
- handful(s) of watercress
- 1/2 cup whole wheat penne pasta
- 8 to 10 shrimp
- Feta cheese with herbs (I found mine at Trader Joe's)
- juice of 1 lime
- 2 tbsp EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
- salt and pepper to taste
1. Cook 1/2 cup of whole wheat penne pasta per package directions. Allow time to cool.
2. Saute pumpkin seeds on the skillet with 1 tbsp EVOO, salt, and pepper until browned. Set aside to cool.
3. Saute shrimp on the skillet with 1 tbsp EVOO, salt and pepper. Once cooked, remove, peel off tails, and dice into pieces.
4. Tear handfuls of watercress and put into bowl.
5. Add 1/2 cup of feta, shrimp, pumpkin seeds, pasta, and cubed watermelon.
6. Cut the lime in half, and squeeze in both halves.
7. Mix together and try not to eat the whole thing by yourself.
Friday, July 6, 2012
4th of July - better late than never.
Happy belated 4th of July (better late than never, I say).
I told you in this post we'd be back soon - and I didn't lie. Here we are again. So soon! The mister and I had a very relaxed 4th. He worked the day before and after, while I've been enjoying my time as a stay at home wife and cat mom for the past week. This is livin'.
I thought I'd post up a few pictures from the 4th of July to share with family and friends.
Later in the evening, we walked* to Belmont Harbor to watch fireworks. It's a pretty great spot; we were able to see the firewor Navy Pier, Montrose Beach, and the best fireworks of all were taking place at a private party just a few feet from us!
I'm now professing a commitment to post up on a very continual basis (litigation of "continual" to be determined). There, I said it. No going back now. I've put that out into the world and I should will follow through!
Until next time... (soon!)
*and by walked I mean I dragged J, kicking and screaming (and sweating, of course)
**now accepting fun, friendly young couple friends in the greater Chicago area. Must have boat.
***just for your enjoyment :)
I told you in this post we'd be back soon - and I didn't lie. Here we are again. So soon! The mister and I had a very relaxed 4th. He worked the day before and after, while I've been enjoying my time as a stay at home wife and cat mom for the past week. This is livin'.
I thought I'd post up a few pictures from the 4th of July to share with family and friends.
It was sunny and hot (read: breaking a sweat just thinking about it) and the beaches were slammed. These were taken before 11:00am! |
From top to bottom: Sailboats** at Belmont Harbor (imagine these + a bajillion more) Beautiful moon next to the buildings Fireworks. Huzza! |
Until next time... (soon!)
*and by walked I mean I dragged J, kicking and screaming (and sweating, of course)
**now accepting fun, friendly young couple friends in the greater Chicago area. Must have boat.
***just for your enjoyment :)
The Plight of a Lemon Tree.
Awhile ago, I posted this, about the new addition to my green family. Like all the rest of you, I've been waiting on pins and needles for my little baby lemons to grow and flourish. And waiting. Still waiting... oh, wait! Nope, I'm still waiting.
Now, a month and half (give or take, okay?) this is what I've got.
Notice: No lemons. WTfugde. However... that little baby lemon bud smells so delightfully citrusy and sweet. On the positive side, I've got enough mint to make mojitos for everyone on the block! It's hot, drink up!
Speaking of hot, it's been unspeakably hot in Chicago. I have to give a bath to my greenies - lest the wilt and die under my watch. Not this year!!
Does anyone have any tips to make my lemons grow? I'm about to throw in the towel and succumb to the fact that it is what it is. A cute little tree.
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First appearance May 22nd, 2012. Notice: no lemons. |
I couldn't even be bothered to jazz up this pic, it's so disappointing. *slumps shoulders* |
Notice: No lemons. WTfugde. However... that little baby lemon bud smells so delightfully citrusy and sweet. On the positive side, I've got enough mint to make mojitos for everyone on the block! It's hot, drink up!
Speaking of hot, it's been unspeakably hot in Chicago. I have to give a bath to my greenies - lest the wilt and die under my watch. Not this year!!
Getting a bath from the hose. For an hour. |
Until next time... which will be soon, because we've got things to share.
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