Monday, April 30, 2012

Sunday Brew: "Epic Fail Amber Ale"

I might have to create a logo for my new brew. This concept has potential, but I need to settle on one first.... Epic Fale. Epic Fail Amber Ale. Epic Amber Fail. Something like that.


This post is intended to showcase basic do's and don'ts of home brewing, with some firsthand advise from a brewing newbie.
Some of this is applicable in other contexts and may seem like basic, common knowledge. And it is.

The always list.

1. Always have duct tape. Yeah, its a stereotype... but what real man doesn't have some on deck at all times? This guy.

two things every man needs - photo courtesy  -I don't actually have one of these.

2. Always have a backup. Of almost anything. Guitar strings, screws, bed sheets, contacts, etc.
Seriously. I learned this in grad school under one of my favorite professors, but sometimes we forget the most critical, basic concepts that we learn.
You know who else learned this the hard way? The Indianapolis Colts.

study all you want, gentlemen, but 5+7 doesn't equal 18

In my case, the lid to my primary fermenting bucket has a grommet where the airlock seals.

grommet = black circle

It is critical to keep this airtight to avoid bacteria. Thus, it is equally as critical to have a backup lid in case something breaks - or at the very least a backup grommet, in case some moron pops it out and straight into the brew... oops.

If you do not have said backup items, this will bring you back to 1, above. 
If you do not follow 1 or 2, move on to step #3.

3. Always have a plan - or at least think & act quickly. This will allow you some comfort in the event of a mistake. This will also help you make important decisions at a moment's notice. Here is an example of someone who did not follows steps 1&2.

no grommet? no problem...

Some might say they are lucky if it works. But according to first-century Roman philosopher Seneca, "luck is where preparation meets opportunity." 
Be prepared, in case an "opportunity" (read: a mistake) presents itself.

4. Have a network, friends, or a mentor. When you are in a bind, you don't understand something, or you are sick of reading blogs & forums with conflicting or incomprehensible information, ask a friend. Text, email, call, tweet, write on their wall... whatever it takes.

brewing a tasty batch with this gentleman (the towering, chugging one) this weekend. minds will be blown -- much like those of the onlookers at HofbrÀuhaus Newport

5. Stay positive. Failing sucks. But thinking you are going to fail before you do is even worse. Don't quit on yourself, because the only way to avoid failure is to never even try. That said... my brew is fermenting as we speak, and I sure hope I didnt fail!

Epic Fail Amber Ale -- The Boil

get the water temp just right, then steep your grains (20-25 min)
grains are done, now you have wort! bring it to a rolling boil

stir in liquid malt extract
stir in dry malt extract
add bittering hops & keep that boil rolling
add aroma hops after roughly an hour of boiling - boil for 5-10 more minutes

After the boil, place your brew kettle in an ice-filled sink to get it down to the 70 degree (F) range before pouring it into your sanitized primary fermenting bucket. Top it off with water and check your OG with your sanitized hydrometer. 

Sprinkle in the yeast, stir it up, seal it tight, insert your airlock (without popping the grommet out), and let that baby ferment for a tasty brew!

*Updates to come on the turnout!

rain, rain, you can stay.

I love rainy days. I'm obsessed with them. They're perfect for baking, reading, cuddling with our cat, and of course - social networking (who are we kidding?).

Outside my front door, it looks like this:

But inside, it's so cozy because of this:

I think fresh flowers should be mandatory. In fact, they're becoming a "must have" to the shopping list. They make me feel good inside.

What's on your "must have" list?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

We've been busy...

We've been busy with a little bit of this...

and a lot'a bit of that:

But we'll be catching you up, SO SOON! 

...because I'm about to blow your socks off with my latest kitchen creation. Stay tuned, bbs.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Easter Basket Challenge: The Baskets.

You've all been waiting in suspense. We just know it. 

A delicious little chocolate from Chicago's Candyality - on Southport.

Pardon our tardiness, we were doing a little traveling over a much deserved spring break vacation. I am fortunate enough to work where the fun never ends and we get awesome things like spring breaks, holidays off, and 3:30 dismissal everyday (oh, and sometimes 3:00). 

Peruse our pictures and you decide the winner! 
Update: voting has ended as of 5/1/2012.

Abby's basket - prepared for John in his home brew kettle.

John, eagerly awaiting the big reveal of his basket prepared for Abby.

A bike basket!! Never saw this coming....

I didn't see the link open on his browser or anything... 

Nantucket Bike Basket Company

With my lovely Easter Basket :)

Easter: I put all my eggs in your basket.
A precursor to the "theme" of my basket.

Someone looks surprised! It's stuffed with eggy Easter goodness... and...

Pure joy. Brew Camp gift certificate. 

And behold... the loot* 

*At the present, said "loot" has decreased significantly. 

To recap our challenge rules, the following criteria must have been adhered to:

1) No more than $50. Total. 
J: check. did not exceed. he is a master at online deal scavenger hunts. also included a lovely compensation card for a free coffee at Intelligentsia. Winning!
A: check. topped that baby off at $47. cha-ching.

2) One libation.
J: the lil' bottle of bubbly. not mad about that.
A: the gift certificate to Brew Camp, a local Chicago home brew shop so that he can start his next batch asap.

3) Something homemade.
J: the white sheet of paper you saw? it was note telling me to check my e-mail. This power point (nerd alert!) was attached. 

okay... I admit. That's purty cute.
A: plastic eggs stuffed with sweet nothings :) And not to mention the cake batter doughnuts I made 2 days before!

4) Something sweet. 

Time for your votes, good people! Winner winner, chicken dinner... Do you know what's on the line?! DO YOU KNOW!? 

Personal victory. And the opportunity to pick the next challenge.

Looking forward to your personal expression of your right to vote! 
Until next time!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Oh the little pleasures... cheesecake tarts.

Is it just me, or does everyone not love themselves a fatty piece of cheesecake? It's a feel good kind of food. Don't deny it. 

When J and I were having a serious relationship in 8th grade, he made me the most precious cheesecake and delightful pineapple condiment for my birthday (ah, how our birthdays have evolved!) When asked to replicate this recipe over the course of... years...he never would do it, so I'm skeptical as to who actually put the time in in the kitchen and who reaped the rewards.

8th grade. If you look closely, you can see the beginnings of a mustache on J, and yellow eyeliner on me. Woof.

That said, after a weekend full of food sin (read J's review of Girl and the Goat), I had to have something to save my sweet tooth without waddling around the house the rest of the night. The cure? 

Guilt free cheesecake tarts! Nom. Nom. Nom.

Inspiration: here, on my pinterest tasty+treats board
Pinned from:  right here, the Crock Pot Ladies.

I was all set to throw it together, but was discouraged by the time to cook it in my crock pot, and the fact that I only had one brick of cream cheese. 

My Modified Ingredients:
3 8oz Packages of Philadelphia Cream Cheese
1 low fat cream cheese brick (mine was from Trader Joe's) at room temp
3 Eggs
1 organic, large egg
3/4 Cup Sugar
1/4 cup sugar (I split half with sugar substitute and half with the regs)
6 Graham Crackers (full pieces), pulverized into crumbs
2 crushed low fat graham crackers
3 Tablespoons of Stick Butter, melted
1 tablespoon of melted butter

Oh... you want instructions?

Here goes:

Mix butter and graham crackers. Cute lil' spoon, right? Press the mixture into two adorable ramekins.

Mix room temperature cream cheese, egg, and sugar.
Whoa, what's that?! A frozen fruit surprise. Pour the mixture over your graham cracker laden ramekins.

Look how cute! Ready for the oven.
Slap those babies in the oven at 350 degrees for... say... 40-45 minutes. Let them cool in the fridge for an hour (or freezer if you want to expedite the process, you Impatient Patty).
DONE. Yum yum yum... down into my belly.
 And, big enough to share one between two people. DO IT!!! 
Any other tricks of the trade?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Girl and the glutton

Warning: Food Porn - images may be inappropriate for hungry individuals.

So, my lady had herself a birthday this past weekend - right on schedule.
To celebrate, we are taking a vacation soon (more on that in the coming weeks) - but we needed to do something in the here and now.

[left to right] "the glutton", the girl - high quality photo

So, seeing as how I have compiled a spreadsheet of restaurants we have visited and restaurants we have targeted for future visits (with ratings, etc... a personal Yelp, if you will) I thought we could target a few at the top of said list. This is where we chose to have our Saturday night/birthday weekend dinner:

The gates of heaven, AKA Girl & The Goat

what a cute menu!

That's right -  the famed restaurant of Stephanie Izard (who was basically standing right next to us all night!). You may know her as the winner of Top Chef, Season 4.
Needless to say, I had to reserve this 5 months in advance to guarantee seating at a prime time. A small price to pay for some of the best food I have ever eaten.

We don't pride ourselves on being gluttonous. In fact, we are far from being as such. Especially the birthday girl.
The two of us eat fairly healthy most of the time, and you will also come to find we tend to be quite frugal - borderline stingy, at times.

This past weekend, we were neither. However the bill was much cheaper than we estimated, so that was an added bonus!

That being said, here is a glance at some of these superb dishes. You might try to eat your screen - you've been warned.

[top row,from left] 1cute cutting board! that focaccia comes with avocado yogurt & mole; 2scallops w/asparagus, bok choy goat xo, and "pizza poofs"; 3confit goat belly
[bottom row,from left] 4grilled broccoli with spiced rice krispies and "rogue smokey bleu" - on the house; 5roasted cauliflower with pickled peppers (pack was personally picked by Peter Piper), pine nuts, and mint; 6wood oven roasted pig face.... with a sunny side egg, cilantro, red-wine maple and potato stix.

To sum up: we left very full, albeit very happy! 

Check back for a review on the amazing follow-up brunch we had the next morning*... definitely a nominee in several categories for the upcoming, first annual Brunchie Awards ("The Brunchies").

*followed by an intense week of workouts 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

my everest.....

We here at tb2 may have reinforced gender roles with our name (a dude who brews beer, a lady who bakes... sounds about right) - but in reality, that's just not us. I am the master of the laundry room and..... well, i do other stuff do. (I also hammer up dry wall and change car tires and curse like a sailor while watching hyper-masculine sporting events). Either way, I am hard-wired to have the drive to solve problems - often licking my chops for a chance to accomplish a task that requires brawn and raw, brute strength. I just love that satisfaction of saying "I did it. I am the man."

So when I stumble upon something so small, so simple, and so often associated with femininity that dares stand up to me with a bite much bigger than its bark - I have to blog about it.
This little guy (ironically named "My Chihuahua Bites") exhausted me not once, but twice when trying to open it for my lady life partner.

This is my Everest:

OPI Nail Lacquer from hell

After exhausting my hand and forearm muscles, veins bulging from my bright red face, i decided to try a new approach. I would scrape out the crusted region between the glass and the lid - an impenetrable adhesive that had formed post-spillage.

After this went nowhere, I decided to run scalding hot water over it....

solution B

...and Voila! You are welcome for the tip!

Suck it, OPI Nail Lacquer - I own you.

I know what you are thinking - it took you that long to think of this solution? Not necessarily - I just wanted to beat it with my guns. I wanted to go in swinging, guns-a-blazin' and come out a winner.
But sometimes an effective strategy is a much better idea.