Sunday, April 1, 2012

my everest.....

We here at tb2 may have reinforced gender roles with our name (a dude who brews beer, a lady who bakes... sounds about right) - but in reality, that's just not us. I am the master of the laundry room and..... well, i do other stuff do. (I also hammer up dry wall and change car tires and curse like a sailor while watching hyper-masculine sporting events). Either way, I am hard-wired to have the drive to solve problems - often licking my chops for a chance to accomplish a task that requires brawn and raw, brute strength. I just love that satisfaction of saying "I did it. I am the man."

So when I stumble upon something so small, so simple, and so often associated with femininity that dares stand up to me with a bite much bigger than its bark - I have to blog about it.
This little guy (ironically named "My Chihuahua Bites") exhausted me not once, but twice when trying to open it for my lady life partner.

This is my Everest:

OPI Nail Lacquer from hell

After exhausting my hand and forearm muscles, veins bulging from my bright red face, i decided to try a new approach. I would scrape out the crusted region between the glass and the lid - an impenetrable adhesive that had formed post-spillage.

After this went nowhere, I decided to run scalding hot water over it....

solution B

...and Voila! You are welcome for the tip!

Suck it, OPI Nail Lacquer - I own you.

I know what you are thinking - it took you that long to think of this solution? Not necessarily - I just wanted to beat it with my guns. I wanted to go in swinging, guns-a-blazin' and come out a winner.
But sometimes an effective strategy is a much better idea.


  1. Next time, turn the bottle upside down and hit it against something solid like a cutting board as to not ruin your hardwood floors or nice countertops. Let me know if you get it to work. BOOM!

  2. i should have known to ask someone such as yourself first... thanks for the tip, dude!
