Monday, April 30, 2012

rain, rain, you can stay.

I love rainy days. I'm obsessed with them. They're perfect for baking, reading, cuddling with our cat, and of course - social networking (who are we kidding?).

Outside my front door, it looks like this:

But inside, it's so cozy because of this:

I think fresh flowers should be mandatory. In fact, they're becoming a "must have" to the shopping list. They make me feel good inside.

What's on your "must have" list?


  1. Oh yes, I totally agree! I don't buy flowers often enough, but whenever I have then around the house, I'm in such a good mood. :) lately, the lilacs in the backyard have been in bloom, and I am so loving them.

    Unfortunately, my "must-have" lately has been Terra chips...I'm still trying to figure out how on Earth there's supposedly seven servings per bag (instead of, umm, two?) - oops.

    (eta: this is danika!)

  2. Fresh flowers are indeed a mood breaker :)

    Terra chips... I'm very interested! Along those lines, we've been plowing through bags of sweet potato chips. I have been very disciplined avoiding the falafel chips at Trader Joe's. It's quite the feat.
